When I walked outside this morning I was greeted by this beautiful rainbow. I love rainbows, they just remind me of new beginnings and that everything is going to be alright.
And if you haven't heard, we've coined 2011 as the Year of New Beginnings, and boy is it already showing that in spades!
For me, I've been trying to find the time to sit down and actually write my goals down for the year. Aha - I've just noticed my problem...you can't 'try' to do something...you're either doing it or you're not!
Ok - so here it is, my goals for 2011...
- Start 'Live.Love.Grow.' - my life coaching business! From little things, big things grow - and this is what will be the case with this. I've got so many ideas now that I want to do, and I'm not claiming to be a coaching expert yet, but at this moment I've got plenty of great information and techniques to share with others...so a website, my own range of affirmation cards, journals etc etc - here I come!
- Write my first book (and then maybe my second!)...for ages now I've figured that my story can be of help to others (as in my recovery from the anxiety that plagued my life about 6 years ago)...and again, from little things, big things grow...
- Launch 'Jester Designs' - my design / creative label! You'll see that soon on Facebook...if you need any invitations, logos, stationery done - give me a yell!
- Create more - bags, skirts, frames...I love being creative!
- Help more people, in more ways. Be it through a joint venture with my brother selling wares from another country, completely not-for-profit...to helping out weekly/fortnightly at Meals on Wheels...to today and tomorrow, going to help with the QLD Flood Appeal...to being the volunteer Bookkeeper/Graphic Designer for the Rugby club...and I'm open to more ideas!
- Learn, learn, learn! Be it new skills through WEA (boy was there some serious highlighting done in the last catalogue!)...studying yoga...finishing my Cert IV in mind-body medicine...
- Enjoy just being - making meditation part of my daily routine (of which it is becoming more and more already)...be it in small informal doses like paying attention to your senses as you walk, eat or make a cup of tea...or formal as in sitting down to listen or just breathe for 15 minutes or more
- Travel! Take advantage of the super cheap flights to Melbourne and Sydney to see family and friends...go to Bali in April...be a tourist in our own state/town...but all in all, build this in to the plan early so we don't miss out!
- Just enjoy life! You'll probably notice that I can get a bit serious about things because I love delving into the depths of life. But moreso, I just need to take a step back and go 'Wow, I have a great life. Everything is working out perfectly and all I need to do is trust, because I'm always supported, protected and guided!
There's plenty more where that came from, but that's a pretty good start for now.
So how about you? What new beginnings is 2011 going to bring you? Feel free to share them as comments here.
Or at the very least write them down. Because as I read the other day...
A dream becomes a goal the minute that it's written down.
So get to it!
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