That's because I've been watching what I say and write of late so that it matches what I really mean, or more importantly what I'd like to project into my future.
Because as the legendary Louise Hay puts it...
Every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation.
Some call it creating self-fulfilling prophecies...others say 'be careful what you wish for'...but all in all, I believe that the words you use shape your future experience.
Anyway, getting back to choosing your words wisely, here's two examples to get you thinking...
I can't wait!
I noticed a few weeks back how much I used to say 'I can't wait' a lot.
It was generally because I was excited about what was going to happen - but not that I literally couldn't wait for it happen.
When I thought about it, I realised that it implies wanting to jump ahead and not experience the moments that lead up to it.
It makes sense too, because I am working on releasing the need to be impatient!
As Louise puts it, impatience is just resistance. In many cases, it's resisting what you need to learn or experience along the way...or in my case, it was often not relaxing and having faith and just letting it all unfold as it needs to.
It used to manifest in a negative way back when I was having many an anxious moment - I would just want something to be over now so I didn't have to go through it.
But I think now, it had just become a habit.
Well not any more!
Since I noticed, I've worked on picking myself up anytime I go to say it and changing it.
Instead of I can't wait for...
I now use I'm so looking forward to...
Semantics I know, but it does make a difference.
Saying 'I can't wait' brings in a sense of frustration and impatience...trying to pull it into your experience quicker.
Versus 'I'm looking forward to' which is about hope, excitement and being happy for it to happen when it does.
It almost makes me feel like I'm going to be unwrapping a present...ha ha ha I just realised that I would be - the present moment!
This one little word is an absolute cracker. The first time I was introduced to what should means was when I did an anxiety workshop many moons ago.
In essence, the moment you mention should it creates right or wrong.
It can also establish a rule or a standard that you think you're supposed to live by...and if you don't, watch guilt come in!
Or if the should is pointed at another person, enter anger or annoyance for them not living up to your standards.
My solution: ditch it!
Getting back to Louise Hay, she puts it briliantly in her book You can Heal Your Life, where she says that any time you feel a should coming on, replace it with I could or I could choose to...
I should do that today.
I could choose to do that today.See how much lighter it feels!
What other body changes do you notice? Shoulders lift? Head lift? Anything else?
In a great article that my lovely friend Ellen sent me, when you use 'should' in relation to another person - whose rule are you using?
And are you trying to put responsibility onto that person when in fact it's not their rule or standard and the way the other person acts is out of your control.
He should have let me know about that.
I would have liked it if he let me know about that.There's a bunch of other words that I could talk about here...
In my opinion, never and always get bandied about way too much without actually being true...'knowing my luck' is just a great way to keep bringing more of the same into your life...'things always happen in 3's' even though plenty happen in 1's, 7's, 300's...and I could go on!
But anyway, your homework for this week is to notice what you say and what you write.
Don't become obsessive about it, but just notice if you say something often and how it makes you feel.
Does it make you feel good? Do you actually want that to come true? If not, is there another way to say it?
Are there any sayings or common words that you use as a habit, but don't actually mean?
Kick them to the kerb and replace with something better!
Have fun!
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